AMP pages can be cached for near instantaneous loading on the web. loop (supported players: AS3, HTML5) Values: 0 or 1. You can use CSS to customize your styling and dynamic data to fetch the freshest data where needed. …while trying to load the search results. It takes a lot of time and effort to build a great website. Playing a YouTube Video in HTML. Platforms like Google run AMP caches to enable fast loading of your content from their service. Use the AMP Test Tool to ensure that your page meets the Google Search requirements for a valid AMP HTML document. Platforms like Google run AMP caches to enable fast loading of your content from their service. Learn more in Make Your Page Discoverable. You can choose to have a non-AMP version and an AMP version of your page, or just an AMP version. AMP components are already optimized for the best performance. About . I don't know how long the src string will work.. Fill out the AMP Developer Survey! The Google AMP Cache is a proxy-based content delivery network for delivering all valid AMP documents. This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components. AMP Story. AMP. Next gen email. Build for a sustainable future in the open web for everyone. The validation system runs a series of assertions confirming the page’s markup meets the AMP HTML specification. AMP enables the creation of websites and ads that are consistently fast, beautiful and high-performing across devices and distribution platforms. To play your video on a web page, do the following: Upload the video to YouTube; Take a note of the video id; Define an