WebAIM – Creating accessible forms http://webaim.org/techniques/forms/, Steve Faulkner – HTML5 Accessibility Chops: Form control labelling http://blog.paciellogroup.com/2011/07/html5-accessibility-chops-form-control-labeling/, Marcos accessibility blog – Easy ARIA Tips 2: aria-labelledby and aria-describedby http://www.marcozehe.de/2008/03/23/easy-aria-tip-2-aria-labelledby-and-aria-describedby/Karl, Karl Groves – Accessible form labeling & Instructions – http://www.karlgroves.com/2011/10/10/accessible-form-labeling-instructions/, Jason Kiss – Title attributes as form control labels http://www.accessibleculture.org/articles/2010/10/title-attributes-as-form-control-labels/, For general information about the design and usability of forms see various articles written by Jessica Enders from Formulate http://formulate.com.au/articles/. The

element defines a form landmark when it has an accessible name (e.g. Maybe it’s a password field with a longer description of the password rules. Form buttons must never be empty. Each form field should contain its own visible label and it should be descriptive. On the WAVE toolbar, click on 'Errors, Features, and Alerts'. If the instruction is not bound to form fields, then assistive technology users who use the tab key might miss key information. The other day, I was amazed when I encountered such a scenario on a travel site. Accessible Forms 3: Error identification and correction, Accessible Forms 4: Keyboard access and focus order, Accessible Forms 5: Improving usability with JavaScript. Get an email (here’s a free This label should be visible to all users, not just assistive technology users. A small, related group of radio buttons with a clear description and labels for In the example code for aria-describedby, You seem to just have aria-described as the attribute on the tag Thanks for the detailed explanations. Heading level one. S.R: Table with three rows and three columns. In such cases, one of the following three techniques should be used: Hidden