Q: What does a military owl say? Military Jokes and Puns. Officer: “That’s no way to address an officer! Q: If a soldier gives you something what should you say? Such that they will be able to “scandanavian” when they return to port. Q: What do military members do in the latrine? Impress your friends. 12. A: They can’t get their head in the jar. A: The Nay-vy, Q: What type of sergeant carries a long stick with them wherever they go? Vote up any great joke that will make military men & women laugh.

My wife will think I’ve been in a whorehouse!” The deejay asks: “Who wants to know?”

A: Capten, Q: What’s a Marine’s favorite sandwich? Q: What’s does a Soldier make for dinner? A: They took up space in school. A: In the hare force! A: Battle Buddy! A tank ran over a box of popcorn and killed two kernals! A: A dope ring. So the soldier comes back a day later in an Arab tank. A: A weapen.

Q: if an enemy soldier gives you something what should you say? A: In a wedge, Q: What branch of the Army allows for baby soldiers? The phenomenon has many forms, full of stereotypes: a rich mixture of puns, jokes, poems and songs. 4. Q: What kind of soldier has to be careful around Thanksgiving? I was in the army so many years ago, Chieftain was a rank not a tank. Looking to poke fun at the different services with quick 2-3 sentence jokes. A: A Drill Sergeantlemen. You just join the Israeli army, and you already want a 3-day pass? You got promoted from captain to a higher rank? A: Shine a flashlight in their ear. Q: What do you call a Soldier who practices birth control?? 3. A: Knowing how to serve. A: Ranger Danger, Q: What do you call a soldier that’s good at taking care of animals? Can you tell us the exact time?” Q: What form do all military members have? Navy Puns and Funny Quotes. A: The infantry, Q: Who uses the bathroom a lot? Land-mines cost an arm and a leg…… Outa here! Q: What do you call it when a soldier puts on very good camo paint? Q: What place on a military base needs to be cleaned up? Related: Bird Puns That will have you quacking up, 11. 1. A: HOO-ah, Q: What do you call a list of E-4s in the Army? Q: How does a soldier say goodbye? Whoooosh! A soldier keeps a mug upside down and tells the sergeant: – I can’t drink from this mug.

Q: What do you call 16 Soldiers standing in a room around a beer keg? A: Boot Camp, Q: What do you call a dump that a soldier takes? Officer: “Soldier. A: Tank you, Related: Cow Puns That will Put you On happy mood. Q: How can you tell if a Soldier has been using the computer? “Now, you still wanna tell that joke?”

I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to join the Marine Corps.

Related: Funny Donut puns to make you laugh. A: A: Cam-o. Here are funny military jokes and puns. MISSION The Army Publishing Directorate (APD) is the Army’s centralized departmental publishing organization in support of readiness. Q: How do you make a Soldier’s eyes light up? The funny military jokes and on this list are for soldiers and civilians alike. Those who wear sleeveless shirts like to defend the right to bare arms. Q: Did you hear about the Soldier who became a loan shark? A: A deplayment, Q: What do you call a soldier that makes you stay with them? I put my white flag up, the Arab tank put his white flag up. A: With a tic attack, Q: What do you call a soldier’s camera? If you are local army cadets, it’s 120 minutes to happy hour.”, First soldier: “Pass me the chocolate pudding, would you?” Second soldier: “No way, Jose!” First soldier: “Whyever not?” Second soldier: “It’s against regulations to help another soldier to dessert!”, A Navy Chief and an Admiral were sitting in the barbershop. He nearly killed himself the first time he saluted! Q: What is the difference between a catfish and a Soldier? A: A sub.

Q: Where do rabbits get trained to fly? How many pilots does it take to change a light bulb? A Singapore radio station receives a call. I approached the border, and saw an Arab tank.

A: The Majors, Q: What is it called when a soldier saves something? A: Because deep down they are really nice people.

The deejay explains: “If you are spies, it’s three o’clock. A: There was no charge. hey and don’t forget to go through cow puns as well. Q: What do you call a baby born on a military plane? Now let’s try it again!” •. A: A full bird Colonel, Q: Where do military people get all their shoes from? It’s what we do! We recognize that without their dedication to service, we probably wouldn’t have the freedom to write such silly things on the Internet. Officer: “Soldier, do you have change for a dollar?” Q: Why do they bury Soldiers 20 feet deep after they die? Defendant: Well, it’s kinda like the “Honorable” in front of your name. It has no opening.

Judge: Please identify yourself for the record. Also in the deployment area – or precisely there – soldiers regularly come up with practical jokes and puns. Judge: What does the “Colonel” stand for? That’s why we’ve collected so much top-tier military jokes in one place. A: One is a scum sucking bottom dweller and the other is a fish. A: Uniform. A: LMTVs . Unless you’re in the National Guard, then you might want to do some research. Hopefully you can tell that we’re saluting even if it looks like we’re pointing and laughing. For what reason does the Norway Navy come with barcodes on all their ships? •, Q: What does a military member read when they’re bored? A: Airborne . They were both just getting finished with their shaves, when the barbers reached for some after-shave to slap on their faces. A: Right Face! I hope you have liked our collection of Army puns as we did while compiling it. A: Lent out all his money and skipped town. A: A troop poop, Q: What do you call a polite Drill Sergeant? ‘Cos the Paras ate ’em all. List RulesVote up any great joke that will make military men & women laugh.

A: A ri-full. A: A company commander, Q: Why did the Soldier cut a hole in the carpet? The only reason not to laugh at any of these military puns and jokes is if you’re in a foxhole behind enemy lines. A: Someone saw his Privates. This military humor will crack you up whether you’re in the Army, Marines, Navy, or Air Force. 6. 8. Q: What does a soldier say before they start dancing? If you are navy guys, it’s six bells. •, Q: Did you hear about the Soldier who went to a mind reader? A sailor in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and asks, “hey, do you want to hear a Marine joke?” The guy responds, “well, before you tell that, you should know that I’m 6′ tall, 200 pounds, and I’m a Marine. “This is the military. I sent my baby off to the army. A: Reserves, Q: Why did the drill sergeant blush? Q: What do soldiers love to listen to? You must do something spectacular for that recognition!” And besides this, it has no bottom. We've got jokes to crack up every person at the cocktail party. A: A Staff Sergeant, Q: What do you call it when a soldier leaves to go play a game? Q: What do you call a fly in a Soldier’s head? Q: What do you call a plan that stinks in the military?

Soldier: “Sure, buddy.” A: Ruck and Roll! We have the best jokes about the Army, and jokes about the Navy, Seals, sergeants, etc. Also, check out our other funny jokes categories. Army puns is as old as the war itself. The admiral shouted, “Hey, don’t put that stuff on me! Soldier: “No, SIR!”. A: The lootenant, Q: Who are the biggest soldiers?

Q: Why do Soldiers’ lunchboxes have clear lids? Not a damn thing. Q: What do you call a sergeant in the Space Force?

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